Monday, April 22, 2013

New Discovered Species. By Charles Darwin

It is important that I tell you this: On my travels I have discovered a small boy-like creature that I call "minisculus pedalus" or "little foot". He is a by who I belive is related to "sausqautch giganticus" or "big foot". I am still gathering notes.
from the desk of charles darwin


  1. Dear Charles -- many thanks for the timely letter. Interestingly, we too have had an encounter with Minisculus Pedalus as well. We were recording to our phonograph prototype (we are thinking of naming it Victrola as the wax cylinder recorders produce a skipping noise and the idea of a circular disc would also be easier to replicate). But I digress... whilst we were recording Watson's voice, a small raccoon like creature ran past the window. At first we thought it was a squirrel, but it was larger and resembled a boy. It plucked a plum from our tree and ate it ferociously, almost foaming at the mouth. Regards, Thomas E.
