
I solemnly swear I'm up to no good, I mean Quidditch

New equipment on the way!

Hopefully (felix felicis, luck potion) the captain will buy new balls for the team. They are World Kickball certified, the real deal!

Hey if your'e on the Quidditch team that a certain H.C. organized than here are some details about practice:

Practice is usually on Saturdays anytime ranging from 10:00 am and 11:30 pm at Molino Park
Bring clothes that you will be comfortable running around in
Bring your own broom stick and gloves (optional)
Bring a water bottle, because were probably going to get thirsty.

For more stuff about the Quidditch league go to this web address: 
(oh yeah, were totally serious about this. It's not just some fun game from Harry Potter, it's for real.)

To download the rules click here:

T-Shirts are on the way if the captain can make some, he's thinking there going to look something like this:

The captain isn't going to sign us up for the Quidditch league until everbody is totaly serious about the idea, so everybody should get really pumped at our first practice.
Let's go MV Quidditch
Here are the team pictures

Oh, and if STILL you don't believe Quidditch is real take a look at this Pumpkin Pasty

Here are professional Quidditch pics

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