Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm Scared

The Raccoons are growing restless. They say something is moving in the background and they say he is growing stronger. The only person we can depend on now is Little Foot. He is the one who will save us or destroy us.

1 comment:

  1. The old man who owns the fish pond nearly killed one if the elder raccoons last nightt. It was late, and a group of us were hoping to eat some savory sushi. We snuck over the white wall, Crowley down and hid behind the bushes. Thinking it was safe, we eased into to the pond to fish for food when, all of a sudden, out of the blue, the old man jumped out from behind the glass with a Butchers knife and threw it at Sammy. Lucky it only chopped part of his tail off. We think tomorrow night might be safer, as the old man appears to be packing for some sort of camping expedition. - rocky
